Political Psychology

Journal of the International Society of Political Psychology

Understanding the psychological aspects of national and international political developments is increasingly important in this age of international tension and sweeping political change. Political Psychology, the journal of the International Society of Political Psychology, is dedicated to the analysis of the interrelationships between psychological and political processes. International contributors draw on a diverse range of sources, including cognitive psychology, political science, economics, history, international relations, philosophy, political theory, sociology, and social and clinical psychology.

Political Psychology announces a Multi-journal Special Issue on Advancing the Interface between Research and Practice: Political Psychology is happy to announce that it is participating in a Multi-journal Special Issue on Advancing the Interface between Research and Practice for Sustainable Development. You can read a general description of the project and all of the Calls for Papers HERE. Proposal for a Multi-journal Special Issue (MJSI).

Political Psychology has a 2-year impact factor of 4.6 and a 5-year impact factor of 6.0. It is ranked 17th of the 187 journals in the Political Science category, and 14th of 63 journals in the Social Psychology category. Political Psychology is in over 4,000 institutions worldwide, and its published manuscripts are downloaded hundreds of thousands of times each year.

The journal Political Psychology is housed at the University of Limerick, Ireland and Massey University, New Zealand. Join ISPP or get your own subscription to the journal so as not to miss any issues!

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Early View. Political Psychology articles published via Early View and ahead of their print issues are fully citable and are the final versions of record. Subscribing libraries and members have full access to this content. Articles published via Early View can be cited using the DOI (digital online identifier) and each article includes a ‘How to Cite’ link upon publication. Browse recently published Political Psychology articles on Wiley Online Library, via this link.

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Political Psychology on Social Media. The journal has its own Facebook and Twitter presence.

Political Psychology App. Members of ISPP have access to the Political Psychology and Advances in Political Psychology app. Members can access the app HERE. The app uses the same member login information as the Wiley Online Library. See this link for additional FREE downloadable apps for both Apple and Android devices for the subject areas of politics and psychology from Wiley-Blackwell.


Please see this document for our Author Guidelines and additional information regarding submissions.


Co-Editors-in-Chief: Orla Muldoon & James H. Liu
Editorial Manager: Margaret Grene
Editorial Assistant: Aoife Marie Foran
Co-editors: Pablo De Tezano-Pinto, Shose Kessi, Samara Klar, Robert Klemmensen, I-Ching Lee, James McAuley, Chris Weber
Associate Editors: Veronica Hopner, Sarah Jay, Alastair Nightingale

University of Limerick
E-mail: PoliticalPsychology at University of Limerick

Massey University
School of Psychology Private Bag 102904
North Shore, Auckland 0745, New Zealand

Book Review Editor

Kristen Monroe
Professor, University of California – Irvine

Individual Subscriptions

Subscriptions for individuals that are not members of ISPP are available directly through Political Psychology’s publisher, Wiley-Blackwell. Please visit this link and select the “Personal subscriber” option, or contact Wiley-Blackwell at 1-800-835-6770. You can also send an e-mail to receive an invoice and pay by check.